Monday, June 22, 2009

Another goal!

Well another mini goal of mine was to learn how to sew. I am still quite the beginner, but I am actually creating things, which is so cool! I have made a buisness card holder. (pictures aren't that great, taken with camera phone)

I have also made two wallets. One as a test and one for my sister. I know my lines are not straight and that there is a lot of improvment that needs to be done before I move on to purses, but I am so excited!

Monday, June 8, 2009

I've got worms!

So, I just started this blog and I am already slacking.  lol.  

I had a great weekend with the boys.  We went fishing!  Jordan was lucky enough to catch his first fish (three actually).  

We had a great time out doing a family day!

We also had our good friend Guido out with us.  

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Start


As of today, I am thirty years old! Crazy! I am no longer a twenty something. When I am filling out a survey, I will now have a new bubble to fill in (age:30-39).

There are so many things that I wanted to do by this point in my life, but I will get there eventually. Maybe this little new milestone is going to give me the push I need to knock out some of the goals that have been swimming around in my head and my heart for a while.

One of my "mini" goals is to keep up with a blog. Lord knows I read enough of them. lol. I have always kept a journal of some kind, so this will work out.

Please stay tuned... There is more to come!